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PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画

PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画

This is a simple story about a boy chasing back a paper he lost in the beginning.
On the way to chase the paper, the boy run into a mysterious world: fish flying in the sky, dragon digging into the ground, boats are made by fish, houses are upside down…

The paper might be a dream you had in your mind for a long time, that long enough so you don’t even remember; the paper might be a person you miss, whom you unable to meet again; or the paper might be a toy you lost a long time ago and never be able to get it back…
This is a wish of mine, a wish for everyone who will have a dream to chase, a person to love, a thing to cherish. I wish everyone can be like this boy, across all the scary things, made it to the goal of their trip.

PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画

PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画

PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画 PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画 PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画 PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画 PAPERBOY-This Is a Simple Story-插画



春去秋来 等一树花开-一年四季的色彩手绘插画

2020-4-13 13:54:03


Adam Quest-简洁干净的抽象艺术版画-Ⅰ

2020-4-26 16:12:20

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